How To Understand Your Hunger Cues - Appetite Vs Hunger

Are you actually hungry, or do you just have an appetite?

Experiencing hunger can be rather unpleasant, and it’s understandable that as humans we want to satisfy our need to eat and feel satiated ASAP when these feelings arise. However, having knowledge and self-awareness is powerful in this scenario, because it’s not uncommon to confuse hunger with rather just having a heightened appetite.

Are Calorie Calculators Actually Accurate?

Don’t rely on these calculators for perfect math.
It’s reasonable to say that most people are curious about how many daily calories they require to either:
▪️Maintain their weight
▪️Lose weight
▪️Gain weight
Given this, and since “calorie calculator” is such a quick google search away, it’s understandable that someone would be intrigued to know their calorie requirements.