We are passionate about helping others enrich their lives through wholesome nutrition and regular exercise to achieve their body composition goals.
Our services are certainly not restricted to competitive athletes, as we highly enjoy coaching individuals with lifestyle-related, health and fitness goals.

THE details

Initial consultation

  • Meet Jack or Tyarra and discuss a range of introductory topics such as diet history and goal setting to get you started.

  • The more we know about your lifestyle, the more effectively we can tailor our services and make this the best experience for YOU!

Weekly check-ins

  • Check in with your coach and update them on your week. This is also your opportunity to ask them any detailed questions.

  • We offer a variety of methods for checking in based on what is most suitable for your schedule. During the first initial consultation you and your coach will determine which check-in platform suits you best!

weekly training and nutrition updates

  • You will receive a customised training program which will accommodate for your goals and likes/dislikes. This will be updated weekly and it is our aim for you to thoroughly enjoy your training and make consistent progress!

  • You will receive nutrition education each week personalised to your goals and lifestyle. As dietitians, we are able to provide you with an abundance of education, support, and advice regarding nutrition.

  • Based on your goals, you and your coach will determine which nutritional strategies will be the most appropriate and sustainable (e.g. macro tracking, meals plans, intuitive eating).

unlimited questions and assistance

  • Text or email your coach at any time if you have questions or need support!

  • We’re here to help you and need to know if you’re uncertain or confused about something.

join team tbd

  • As part of Team TBD you will be surrounded by other like-minded individuals who share a passion for health, fitness, and bodybuilding! Make sure to follow our Instagram account @thebodybuildingdietitians and tag us in your stories and posts so your fellow teammates can support your journey too!