How To Prepare For A Bodybuilding Competition

The most underrated phase in bodybuilding.

As the saying goes: “Poor preparation equals poor performance.”

Not only does this statement hold true for comp prep, however it also pertains to the “pre-prep” phase.

As the above infographic explains, this invaluable phase is a period of time allocated PRIOR to the prep, which allows an athlete to mentally and physically position themselves with an excellent “starting point” for comp prep.

As a physique competitor there are certain habits, routines, and characteristics that are established during the improvement season. Then, during a pre-prep phase, the discipline and accuracy which is applied to these habits is further refined, with the expectation that they will be executed to-a-tee during comp prep.

Given this, the primary purpose of a pre-prep phase is to essentially allow for a smooth transition into comp prep. Realistically, at the commencement of comp prep following a pre-prep, only a few components of a competitor’s daily actions should change including:

▪️Reduced caloric intake
▪️Increased frequency of posing practice
▪️Heightened accuracy for nutritional tracking
▪️Incrementally increased output through steps/cardio

Apart from this, the goal is for the individual to have already been carrying out the same habits, routines, and disciplines that they apply to their training, nutrition and mindset prior to them officially entering into comp prep. As a result of establishing this starting point, they are far less likely to experience any “rude awakenings” or “hiccups” during the prep itself, and can therefore execute their plan to a high-degree without the stress of wasting valuable time.

Let us know, do you undertake a pre-prep phase prior to starting your comp preps?