Some claims in the fitness industry have merit… and some, well… don’t. Swipe through the above to bust five common bodybuilding myths, and understand that while they sound good in theory, they don’t hold up in practice.
How To Stay Fit During The Holidays
Don’t ditch your goals in December! Today is the first of the month, meaning that there’s still 31 days left in the year of 2022. Despite this being >8% of an entire year’s worth of potential progress, some people are convinced that December should be a “write-off” simply due to an increased number of social events (namely Christmas and New Years Eve).
How To Make The Most Of Your Off-Season
How To Embrace and Manage Hunger To Achieve Your Goals
As a result of swinging the pendulum, the human body responds naturally via hunger and appetite hormones when it feels as though it’s entering “uncomfortable” territory. On one end this could entail an individual pushing their bodyweight upward 15% of their stage weight during a building phase, which would result in a suppression of appetite hormones and hunger cues. On the flip side, someone approaching near 5% of their stage weight during a dieting phase is likely to experience an up-regulation of appetite hormones and internal hunger signals.
Are Low Carb Products Actually Low Calorie?
The Best Advice For Your First Bodybuilding Competition - 5 Golden Tips
As fun as it may seem on social media, competing in a bodybuilding competition for the first time should be viewed as a very serious decision. There are key considerations to bear in mind before committing to a prep and prematurely announcing how many “X” number of weeks out you are. And yes, the importance of these heavily outweigh the colour of your stage bikini/trunks or whether you carb-up on rice cakes or cereal.
How To Prepare For A Bodybuilding Show
Recovery Nutrition - What To Eat After A Workout
How To Eat More Dietary Fibre - Top 12 High-Fibre Foods
Why Building Muscle Mass Requires Weight Gain
High Protein Breakfast Ideas
Everything You Need To Know About Creatine Monohydrate
When it comes to A-listed supplements creatine is top of the list, being one of the most researched and evidence-based ergogenic aids on the market. However, for some people this white powder is still mysterious and questionable… as it often raises concerns of water retention, kidney health, dosing protocols and the like.
How To Reverse Diet and Recover From A Bodybuilding Show
Bodybuilders spend months and years remaining hyper-focused on a specific goal, and will build up immense anticipation and excitement for show day. However, when they step off stage, it’s normal for heightened emotions to return to baseline and for competitors to feel slightly lost with no clear direction.
How To Eat More Fruit & Vegetables
Did you know that in 2022 the Australian Bureau of Statistics recorded that 94% of Australian adults aren’t meeting their daily fruit and vegetable requirements? If you are among the few 6% that consistently enjoy your daily fruit and veg, nice work! However, what clearly needs addressing is those who aren’t meeting their daily requirements. Perhaps there are a few reasons for this including…
Why You're Not Gaining Muscle
Going to the gym is fun, however very few people invest hours of their lives every week for months and years on end simply for the enjoyment factor. Rather, the large majority of people with health and fitness related goals are in the pursuit to BUILD MORE MUSCLE! Therefore, it can feel frustrating when someone feels they aren’t experiencing a return on investment for their time:muscle growth. There could be potentially a few reasons for this…
How To Handle Judges Feedback As A Bodybuilder
This is a highly competitive sport that relies on endless self-improvement. Therefore, as a competitor post-show, it’s imperative that you ask for constructive feedback and critique from judges, your coach, and trusted industry leaders who have your best interests at heart. Sometimes hearing the truth stings… but if you genuinely want to keep improving to be your best, you will take feedback on the chin and apply it.
What You Should Eat Before A Workout
The Best Pre-Workout Nutrition Protocol
We all have that workout every now and then which just doesn’t meet our expectations. The weights feel unusually heavy, the pump is lagging, and you can’t quite conjure that mental drive to train hard. It could just be a one-off average session… or maybe you haven’t ticked a few nutritional boxes that could have improved your chances of a decent workout?
How To Easily Increase Your Protein Intake
Protein math - we understand that seeing numbers and targets in the 100’s can initially seem daunting! However, we’re here to tell you that there’s no need to feel overwhelmed. In fact, consistently achieving a high daily protein intake should be achievable for anyone once it’s understood in quantities of food!