How To Stay Fit During The Holidays
Don’t ditch your goals in December!
Today is the first of the month, meaning that there’s still 31 days left in the year of 2022. Despite this being >8% of an entire year’s worth of potential progress, some people are convinced that December should be a “write-off” simply due to an increased number of social events (namely Christmas and New Years Eve).
But the thing is… that’s only two days of pre-planned celebration and indulging in a month, which is something that you’ve likely gained experience navigating at earlier times of the year anyway!
It’s important to remember that December is not the only month that people choose to celebrate events and holidays - being social is human nature any day! Therefore, think back to this past year and how you navigated weddings, birthday parties, work events and the like - all while still staying committed to your health and fitness goals to the best of your ability.
Reframe your way of thinking this month, and don’t sacrifice 29 days of potential progress at the cost of two days of indulging. You can still take advantage of the large majority of days that reflect your regular routine, and continue to invest and commit yourself wholeheartedly to achieve what you desire.
Please don’t wait until January 2023 to begin working on yourself - get a head start now!
Remember, you’ve demonstrated before that you can partake in social events and be flexible with your nutrition and training while still staying committed to your long-term goals. Therefore, do it again this December!