Common Misconceptions About Bodybuilding

We aren’t here to paint a false narrative of comp prep and give off the impressive that it isn’t tough, restrictive, and requires a high-level of discipline - because it does. However, there are varying degrees to which a competitor should be challenged to achieve their goals of stepping on stage, and overall the journey should be an enjoyable one, not downright gruelling and unhealthy.

We're Told To Eat The Rainbow... But Why?

Nutrition and dietary guidelines often encourage the consumption of a wide variety of plant-based foods, which can easily translate to recommendations of “EAT THE RAINBOW!” This is with good reason and it’s a message that we highly support, as fruits and vegetables of different colours will provide a unique array of micronutrients, phytonutrients, fibre types and antioxidants, all of which contribute to a prime health status.