Experiencing signs of food focus is a completely NORMAL response to dieting, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Undergoing a prolonged deficit and pushing the body past a comfortable “set point” will inevitably cause an individual to start dedicating more of their cognitive power and time to food. From an evolutionary standpoint this is an intelligent phycological response when the body recognizes deprivation, and it’s fundamental for survival.
These Diet Foods Are Overrated
When setting out to achieve a health and fitness goal, most of us are willing to financially invest in methods that can make the process more efficient and enjoyable. In the case of food selection, this might entail purchasing more expensive items that contain less calories and are more volumous than their original replicates.
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should
There’s no denying that portraying a strong work ethic is advantageous to achieving your goals. However, when it comes to health and fitness, it’s a fairly common misconception that more is always better. “Just because you can” implement a particular technique, protocol or strategy, doesn’t mean it will be the most conducive to achieving your goals in the long-term.
WPI vs WPC vs Casein - What's The Difference?
How To Avoid Boredom With Your Breakfast Meals!
Save Calories With These Condiment Swaps!
If you make a large financial purchase, you may need to sacrifice spending in other areas if you want to keep your bank balance in check. However, if you’re strategic and take advantage of “discounts”, you may be able to enjoy (basically) the same product for more than half the “price”! As a result, you can be left feeling satisfied, happy, and not concerned that you need to be scarce spending in other areas of life to achieve your goals.
Top Tips For Tracking Macros
Macro tracking is a skill, and just like any other skill it requires practice and refinement to become efficient and accurate. Downloading the app is one thing, but becoming proficient is a different ballgame altogether. There are so many bells and whistles that MFP can quickly become daunting and confusing.
Vegan Protein Sources - How Viable Are They?
Plants are AWESOME and there’s no doubt about it – they’re dense in micronutrients and phytonutrients, provide a diversity of dietary fibre, they’re an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, and are usually quite hydrating too! However… when it comes to obtaining adequate protein purely from plants… there can be quite a few caveats to consider.
Why Gluten Free Isn't Necessarily Healthier
The Health Benefits Of Egg Yolks
Did you know that the protein in eggs have a biological value of 100? This makes them one of the BEST sources of protein on earth! A biological value of 100 means that 100% of the protein in eggs can be used for protein synthesis, compared to a biological value of ~70 for plant proteins. An average egg has 6 grams of protein and packs in all 9 essential amino acids, making them a complete protein source.
The Health Benefits Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
When you think about nutrition, cooking oil probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, it’s a product that many of us use on a daily basis and therefore has an impact on our nutrition. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is our number one choice because it’s a great source of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients such as hydroxytyrosol!
Calorie-Savings Food Swaps
One of the main barriers that stop individuals from exiting the pre-contemplation phase of committing to a caloric deficit is the assumption that certain food sources need to be eliminated. There’s no doubt that we would be hesitant of changing our dietary habits too if it meant eating plain, sauce-less pasta and empty bowls of cereal!
Are You Training Hard Enough? How To Train Harder!
Cream Of Rice vs Cream Of Wheat - What's The Difference?
Gut Supplements vs Whole Foods - Take A Food First Approach!
Reasons Why You SHOULDN'T Compete In Bodybuilding
How To Change Your Relationship With Food
Are You Consuming Enough Dietary Iron? Top 12 Foods High In Iron
There are two forms of dietary iron. One is derived from plant sources, as well as eggs and dairy, and is in the non-heme iron form (Fe3+). The other type comes from animal sources, and is in the heme iron form (Fe2+). Interestingly, only ~45% of the iron in meat is heme iron, whereas the remaining ~55% is non-heme iron.
Why You Aren't Making Progress
Are You Calcium Deficient? Top 12 Foods High In Calcium
It’s estimated that over half the Australian adult population consumes inadequate levels of daily dietary calcium. This is of concern as it increases the risk of losing significant amounts of bone mineral density, which can lead to conditions such as osteoporosis and osteopenia (weak and brittle bones which increase the risk of fractures, falls, and poor health status/quality of life).