Cream Of Rice vs Cream Of Wheat - What's The Difference?

Two of the most popular grains that fitness enthusiasts love - but the real question is… what IS the difference between cream of rice and cream of wheat?

In essence, cream of rice and cream of wheat are just that - 100% ground rice flour and wheat flour respectively. Neither of these are nutritionally “better” than the other, however as illustrated above, they have slightly different nutritional compositions and hence slightly different textures/flavours.

Rice flour is more refined and therefore lower in dietary fibre and higher in carbohydrates. It’s also slightly higher in calories per 100g and might be more appropriate if you’re looking for a quick, easily digestible meal. On the other hand, wholemeal flour has significantly more dietary fibre and a lower carbohydrate content per 100g. However, in the context of having either of these in a mixed meal pre or post-workout... if you’re combining them with a protein and fat source then neither is going to trump in terms of blood glucose and/or glycogen benefits. Therefore, the choice purely comes down to your preference!

In terms of preparing cream of rice and cream of wheat, it can be as simple as just adding water and cooking using a stove top or microwave. For more flavour, that comes down you how much you’d like to jazz it up! A few tasty additions include cinnamon, cacao powder, protein powder, milk or milk alternatives, nuts, seeds, nut butters, dark chocolate, fruit, yogurt and the like! The flavour combinations are endless, and we encourage you to experiment and try different varieties!

Let us know, do you enjoy cream of rice or cream of wheat on a regular basis? If so, how do you prepare yours?
