Quite commonly we're told to eat more "whole grains" than "refined grains", however the reason why is not usually explained.
There's No Such Thing As "Good" Foods And "Bad" Foods
Peanut Butter vs Powdered Peanut Butter: What's The Difference?
Sweet Potato vs White Potato vs Pumpkin: What's The Difference?
Liquid vs Powdered Egg Whites
Egg whites are awesome – hands down! Being an excellent source of protein which is both high-volume and satiating, it’s hard not to cook up an omelette on the regular! However, with regular purchases of liquid egg whites can come larger grocery bills… UNLESS you discover an alternative which is half the price!
The Health Benefits Of Sleep
Whether it be from study demands, work shifts, a busy social life or just excessive amounts of Netflix, inadequate sleep can have implications on so many aspects of our day-to-day lives. Health, mood, exercise performance, energy levels, recovery, immunity, cognition, you name it, can all be positively or negatively influenced by sleep!
The Benefits Of Hydration For Athletes
How To Read Food Labels
Just remember, one of the primary goals of any company is to sell their product and make a tidy profit. Unfortunately, this might mean ‘blurring the lines’ or a little bit of trickery when it comes to promoting their goods. In most circumstances, there’s no harm done. However, it’s important to be aware of this when assessing the nutritional and monetary value of a particular item!
Dieting Over Christmas? Don't Stress!
Why Progress Is Not Always Linear
Motivation tends to be at an all-time high during the initial stages of goal setting, and it’s normal to have high aspirations to achieve what we want in the most efficient way possible. However, the truth of the matter is that 99% of the time things won’t go as “perfectly” planned, and it’s usually these unexpected roadblocks that cause individuals to veer off track and lose all sight and hope for their goals completely.
Whole Grains : Rice vs Pasta vs Oats
WPI vs WPC - What's The Difference?
Should You Train To Failure?
This Is Why Your Weight Fluctuates
It’s certainly not uncommon for people (especially in the fitness community) to weigh themselves each morning. However, it’s important to understand the context of WHY certain numbers are looking back at you, and not to let your mood be heavily dictated if they’re a few decimal points above or below your previous weigh-in.
Are Superfoods Worth The Price?
It’s not surprising that superfoods have become incredibly popularised in recent years. A food with special properties that can apparently promote weight loss or cure cancer... what’s not to like? Blueberries, almonds, salmon, spinach, walnuts and broccoli are all popular superfoods, and you can probably already identify the trend among these food items. The catch is that there is no scientific definition or regulation of what a superfood actually is.
Stop Relying On Shortcuts
We know that nutrition and exercise are the two pillars for achieving your health and fitness goals. However, unfortunately it seems as though people will spend more time, money, and effort investing in “quick fixes”, rather than committing themselves to nailing the fundamentals which we CONFIDENTLY know lead to long-term results.
Dietary Fat : High vs Low Volume Food Sources
Top 12 Protein Sources For Muscle Gain
Carbohydrates : High vs Low Volume Food Sources
Do You Apply The 80:20 Rule?
By now most of us are familiar with applying the “80:20 rule” when it comes to nutrition. This concept suggests that we should fuel ourselves with a variety of wholesome, nutritious, minimally-processed foods ~80% of the time, and ~20% of the time we can enjoy foods that may be slightly less nutritious.