Sweet Potato vs White Potato - Don't Judge A Spud By It's Colour!

In the world of health and nutrition it seems as though our poor little white tator has been victimised and completely replaced by its sweet, orange counterpart. Perhaps this is because of the colour… as people may associate white with other sources of carbohydrates that are generally more refined and less nutrient-dense, such as white rice and white bread.

Do You Follow A Diet Or A Dietary Pattern?

One of the most frequently touted words in the health and fitness industry is “diet”. With this, it’s common to hear “which diet are you on?” or “what’s the best diet?”. Now, we understand and appreciate that this is with good reason, as the word diet is used in reference to an individual’s nutritional intake. However, a potential issue with the word “diet” is that it often suggests an individual’s eating patterns will be short-lived in attempt to achieve a specific outcome.

Can You Burn More Energy With Brown Fat?

Brown adipose tissue (BAT), also known as brown fat, is found in much smaller amounts compared to our standard white fat, located deep within the torso and neck. As we know, the role of white fat is to store excess energy which can then be used at a later point. Contrastingly, the job of brown fat is to produce heat when our body is cold, therefore expending energy. Surely then, if we have more brown fat, we can lose more weight?