The Core Principles Of Bodybuilding Success
Are you primed for success?
🥇 Bodybuilding is heavily influenced by our genetics, perhaps more than any other sporting endeavour. Therefore, when it comes to succeeding at the highest level, it’s the case of you were born with it, or you weren’t. This isn’t to say you can’t still be a great competitor if you aren’t pooled with the genetic elite… however you’re unlikely to be one of the BEST. Regardless of individual time, effort, and strategy invested… those born with a phenomenal structure paired with the genetic proclivity for building significant amounts of muscle mass and seamlessly losing body fat will dominate in this sport. Don’t be deterred however - if you’re like the majority of us who love bodybuilding but didn’t score the genetic lottery, make sure to exploit every other controllable in this hierarchy!
🥈 Apply yourself, work damn hard, and keep showing up time and time again. Those who can’t battle through resistance, handle defeat, or are quick to justify excuses will be quickly weeded-out in this sport.
🥉 Is your plan intelligent? Following legitimate evidence-based nutrition and training protocols will ensure that the time and effort you invest into bodybuilding will compound into worthwhile results.
🏅 You need to have a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. If you want to succeed in this sport, then you need to passionately lead a bodybuilding lifestyle year-round that supports and compliments your long-term goals.
🎖️Building a highly competitive physique takes time. Like maturing and developing as an adult, we’re taking about decades - not weeks. Some individuals may be at an advantage due to their upbringing (playing resistance-based sports from a young age) and hence have a solid “base” to start growing from when they begin bodybuilding. Remember though, this clock doesn’t begin the moment you start “going to the gym”, but rather when you combine your purpose for training will all other factors listed in this hierarchy.
🎗️1%ers - need we say more? Supplements and saunas won’t be the dictators of your success. Nail the other 99% of your plan first before overly-concerning yourself with the sexy minutiae.