The sport of bodybuilding encompasses SO much more than just training and nutrition!
Do You Need To Track Macros?
Tracking “To The Gram” Isn’t Mandatory. Nutrition is often viewed in a black and white context; however, we like to view nutrition in different shades of grey. The dietary strategies someone chooses to implement should be unique to them, therefore the approach they take really does “depend” on the context.
Are Bodybuilders Crazy?
Are You Cancelling Out Your Calorie Deficit?
Fat Loss Is Not A Race
How To Be A Successful Bodybuilder
Signs You Should Consider A Deload
A deload is usually warranted after an individual has progressively overreached at the end of a 6+ week training block. This week often involves a reduction in normal training volume and intensity. It aims to reduce systemic fatigue, risk of injury, promote overall recovery, and prepare an individual both mentally and physically for their next training block. In order to maximise rate of progression in the gym and prevent the risk of injury or burn-out, deloads should be considered a fundamental and pre-planned component of your training.
Phases Of A Physique Athlete
Show Day Is <1% Of Your Bodybuilding Journey!
If Your Goal Is To Look Lean... Then Are You Ready To Feel Lean?
From an outside view it’s understandable why bodybuilding, particularly on show day, can seem so enticing. Smiling faces with chiseled bodies, eating candy and winning trophies – what’s not to aspire to?! Well… the truth is that this is just a small glimpse into what a bodybuilding journey entails. The vast majority of a competition prep requires necessary, meticulous steps to be taken to achieve the desired outcome, and with these steps often comes respective “consequences” which aren’t particularly appealing.
Is Staying Lean Holding You Back?
Are You Taking An Improvement Season Or An Off-Season?
Your Muscles Aren't Confused - You Are
Which Foods Are "Good" Sources Of Protein?
Your Guide To Protein
Your Guide To Carbohydrates
Your Guide To Dietary Fat
Your Guide To Dietary Fibre
Dietary fibre plays an integral role in regulating not only our digestive health, but also our overall physical and mental wellbeing. Therefore, ensuring you meet your minimum fibre requirements for the day (which only ~30% of Australian adults are predicted to do) should be considered a top nutritional priority!
Are You Ready To Compete In Bodybuilding?
Can You "Break" Your Metabolism?
The metabolism comprises all of the chemical processes that occur within living organisms in order to maintain and sustain life. These processes can be both anabolic and catabolic in nature. For example, the food we eat, the lifestyle we lead, and our overall health status will influence our metabolism and how we build and break down substrates and tissues in the human body.