Are Superfoods Worth The Price?

It’s not surprising that superfoods have become incredibly popularised in recent years. A food with special properties that can apparently promote weight loss or cure cancer... what’s not to like? Blueberries, almonds, salmon, spinach, walnuts and broccoli are all popular superfoods, and you can probably already identify the trend among these food items. The catch is that there is no scientific definition or regulation of what a superfood actually is.

Sweet Potato vs White Potato - Don't Judge A Spud By It's Colour!

In the world of health and nutrition it seems as though our poor little white tator has been victimised and completely replaced by its sweet, orange counterpart. Perhaps this is because of the colour… as people may associate white with other sources of carbohydrates that are generally more refined and less nutrient-dense, such as white rice and white bread.